Serverside RUI#

Server-side Rui provides a set of functions enabling servers to display complex hud elements on clients without requiring a client-side mod. These functions were introduced in Northstar 1.10.0.

It should be noted that there’s no guarantee the client will see the hud elements.


Creates a poll on player.


Player POV#


void NSCreatePollOnPlayer(entity player, string header, array<string> options, float duration)#


void function CreateDummyPoll()
    array<string> options = [ "Vote for a map!", "Amongsus", "sussy", "when", "1.10", "hi H0l0" ]
    foreach(entity player in GetPlayerArray())
        NSCreatePollOnPlayer(player, "Vote who's the biggest dummy!", options, 30)

Getting Response#


int NSGetPlayerResponse(entity player)#

Returns the index of the item from options the player voted for. If the player hadn’t voted yet it returns a -1.


void function CheckResponseToDummyPoll(entity player)
    if(NSGetPlayerResponse(player) != -1)
        print("Player has voted!")

Large Message#

Sends a large message to player which will appear in the top right corner.


Player POV#


void NSSendLargeMessageToPlayer(entity player, string title, string description, float duration, string image)#


void function SendDummyLargeMessage(entity player)
    NSSendLargeMessageToPlayer(player,"I'm not a dummy >:(", "You are", 10, "ui/fd_tutorial_tip.rpak")

Info Message#

Sends a smaller message to player which will appear from the center right.


Player POV#


void NSSendInfoMessageToPlayer(entity player, string text)#


void function SendDummyInfoMessage(entity player)
    NSSendInfoMessageToPlayer(player, "we were sent at the same time but I was sent sooner")


Sends a large announcement to player.


Player POV#


void NSSendAnnouncementMessageToPlayer(entity player, string title, string description, vector color, int priority, int style)#


void function SendDummyAnnouncement(entity player)
    NSSendAnnouncementMessageToPlayer(player, "Very cool announcement", "Hi Karma", <1,1,0>, 1, ANNOUNCEMENT_STYLE_QUICK)


Status messages allow you to show live data to the player. Currently status messages are limited to 4 and there’s no way to know if the player can see your message.


Player POV#


void NSCreateStatusMessageOnPlayer(entity player, string title, string description, string id)#

Creates a status message on player. id is used to identify and edit the message, make sure your id is unique! To generate a unique id, use UniqueString().

void NSEditStatusMessageOnPlayer(entity player, string title, string description, string id)#

Allows for editing of the title and description of a message which was created using id.

void NSDeleteStatusMessageOnPlayer(entity player, string id)#

Deletes the status message which was created with id


void function TestStatusMessage_Threaded(entity player)
    string id = UniqueString("votes#")
    NSCreateStatusMessageOnPlayer(player, "have voted", "[0/12]", id)
    wait 3
    NSEditStatusMessageOnPlayer(player, "have voted", "[1/12]", id)
    wait 10
    NSDeleteStatusMessageOnPlayer(player, id)