
Structs are statically typed, fixed size structures that contain other values. Similar to tables they are used to store mutliple values, however structs allow for each value to have a seperate type.


Before using a struct you need to define it and all contents.

The fields are typed like any regular variable.

struct MyStruct
 int field1
 string field2
 array<float> field3

You can then use MyStruct as a type anywhere in the file. Structs are default initialized by assigning each field it’s appropriate default value. Struct fields can be indexed by writing instance.field, just like with tables.

MyStruct myStructInstance
printt( myStructInstance.field1 ) // 0

Structs are passed by reference so if a function changes a field that field is changed for everything that uses the struct instance.

Struct instances can also get initiaized with different default values if required.

Similar like in static arrays, you can omit any fields that should have their type’s default value with ....

MyStruct ins = { field3 = [], field1 = 1, ... }
printt( ins.field1, ins.field2 ) // 1, ""

Nesting Structs#

Struct fields can be any type, this includes previously declared structs as well.

struct Engine
 string manufacturer

struct Tire
 string material

struct Car
 Engine engine,
 Tire[4] tires

Self Nesting Structs#

Structs can contain fields of their own type, however they need to be null initialized. You can achieve this by specifying their type as ornull.

struct LinkedList
 var content
 LinkedList ornull nextNode

Field Default Values#

Any struct field can have an optional default value. If omitted, the type’s default value is used instead.

Default values need to be a constant expression that can be evaluated at compile time.

struct Dice
 int[6] sides = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

Singleton Instances#

You can define a struct and initialize a local variable of that struct instantly with singletons. These are often used to have global variables that are only used in a single script file.

struct {
 var menu
} file

void function InitMyMenu()
{ = GetMenu( "SomeMenu" )

Singletons can also be used for struct fields.

struct Car
 struct {
   string manufacturer
   } engine

// ...
Car car
car.engine.manufacturer = "Vinson Dynamics"