
var GetDataTable(asset datatablepath)#

Gets the given datable asset

var GetDataTableColumnByName(var datatable, string columnName)#

Finds the column in the datatable with the given name. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowCount(var dtatatable)#

Returns the number of rows of a given datatable

bool GetDatatableBool(var dtatable, int row, int column)#

Gets a bool from the given row/column of a datatable

int GetDataTableInt(var datatable, int row, int column)#

Gets an integer from the given row/column of a datatable

float GetDataTableFloat(var datatable, int row, int column)#

Gets a float from the given row/column of a datatable

vector GetDataTableVector(var datatable, int row, int column)#

Gets a vector from the given row/column of a datatable

string GetDataTableString(var datatable, int row, int column)#

Gets a string from the given row/column of a datatable

asset GetDataTableAsset(var datatable, int row, int column)#

Gets an asset from the given row/column of a datatable

bool GetDataTableRowMatchingBoolValue(var datatable, int column, bool value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the bool in the given column matches the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowMatchingIntValue(var datatable, int column, int value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the int in the given column matches the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowLessThanOrEqualToIntValue(var datatable, int column, int value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the int in the given column is less than or equal to the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowGreaterThanOrEqualToIntValue(var datatable, int column, int value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the int in the given column is greater than or equal to the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowMatchingFloatValue(var datatable, int column, float value)#

Finds and returns the first for of the datatable for which the float in the given colmn matches the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowLessThanOrEqualToFloatValue(var datatable, int column, float value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the float in the given column is less than or equal to the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowGreaterThanOrEqualToFloatValue(var datatable, int column, float value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the float in the given column is greater than or equal to the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowMatchingVectorValue(var datatable, int column, vector value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the vector in the given column matches the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowMatchingStringValue(var datatable, int column, string value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the datatable for which the string in the given column matches the given value. -1 if none.

int GetDataTableRowMatchingAssetValue(car datatable, int column, asset value)#

Finds and returns the first row of the dtatable for which the asset in the given column matches the given value. -1 if none.