
Dialogs are a way for a client to open a text window with up to 4 buttons.

Dialog structs#

All the data in the struct that can be changed.

struct DialogData#
var menu#

The instance of the menu

string header#

The headline of the dialog

string message#

The body of text under the headline, it supports newline with \n

DialogMessageRuiData &ruiMessage#

Stores relevant RUI data

array<int> messageColor = [161, 161, 161, 255]#

The colour of the message body, in the format of RGBA

string image#

Path to the asset of the image displayed on the left of the text body

string rightImage = $""#

Path to the asset of the image displayed on the right of the text body

bool forceChoice = false#


bool noChoice = false#


bool noChoiceWithNavigateBack = false#


bool showSpinner = false#

Sets the left image as an animated spinner

bool showPCBackButton = false#

Shows an additional button below all other buttons that closes the dialog for the client when pressed, works the same as pressing the esc button

float inputDisableTime = 0#

How long it takes before the client is able to press a button

table<int, bool> coloredButton#

The int is the index of the Button

bool darkenBackground = false#

Darkens the colour of the dialog window slightly

bool useFullMessageHeight = false#

Creates a larger dialog window even if there is no text or buttons to fill that space

array<DialogButtonData> buttonData#

Stores the information added by the AddDialogButton function

array<DialogFooterData> footerData#

Stores the information added by the AddDialogFooter function

struct DialogMessageRuiData#
string message = ""#
vector style1Color = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>#
vector style2Color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>#
vector style3Color = <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>#
float style1FontScale = 1.0#
float style2FontScale = 1.0#
float style3FontScale = 1.0#
struct DialogButtonData#
string label#
void functionref() activateFunc
string focusMessage#
bool startFocused#
struct DialogFooterData#
string label#
void functionref() activateFunc


void OpenDialog(DialogData dialog)#

Shows the local player the dialog with the data from the struct.


DialogData dialog – Instance of a DialogData struct


DialogData dialog
dialog.message = "Hello there"
OpenDialog( dialog )
void AddDialogButton( DialogData dialog, string text, void functionref() callback )

Add one button to the given struct

  • DialogData dialog – Instance of a DialogData struct

  • string text – The Text that is shown on the button, supports some assets with %ASSET PATH%

  • void functionref() callback – Function that is executed when the button is pressed.


void function SendDialogWithButton()
    DialogData dialog
    dialog.message = "Hello there"
    AddDialogButton(dialog, "Button 1 %%$r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/primary_weapon/primary_kraber%%", void function():() {
        printt( "pressed button 1" )
    OpenDialog( dialog )
void AddDialogFooter(DialogData dialog, string text)#

Adds a footer to the dialog struct

  • DialogData dialog – Instance of a DialogData struct

  • string text – The Text that is shown on the button, supports some assets with %ASSET PATH%

bool IsDialogActive(DialogData dialogData)#

DialogData dialog – Instance of a DialogData struct


true if the dialog with that struct is currently open, otherwise it returns false

void OpenErrorDialog(string errorDetails)#

string errorDetails – User facing information about the error

Code example#

the folowing code produces this output:

DialogData dialog
dialog.header = "This is the header"
dialog.message = "this is the body, it is green \n \n Hello There \n \n General Kenobi"
dialog.messageColor = [0,200,0,100]
dialog.showSpinner = true
dialog.showPCBackButton = true
AddDialogButton( dialog, "Button 1 %%$r2_ui/menus/loadout_icons/primary_weapon/primary_kraber%%", ButtonOnePressed )
OpenDialog( dialog )