
Playing Sounds#

void EmitSoundOnEntity(entity ent, string sound)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityNoSave(entity ent, string sound)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityAfterDelay(entity ent, string sound, number delay)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayerWithSeek(entity ent, entity reciever, string sound, number duration_maybe)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayerWithSeek(entity ent, entity reciever, string sound, number duration_maybe)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityToTeam(entity ent, string sound, int team)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityToEnemies(entity ent, string sound, int team)#
void EmitSoundAtPosition(int team, vector origin, string sound)#
void EmitSoundAtPositionOnlyToPlayer(int team, vector origin, entity player, string sound)#
void EmitSoundAtPositionExceptToPlayer(int team, vector origin, entity player, strign sound)#
void StopSoundOnEntity(entity ent, string sound)#
void StopSoundAtPosition(vector pos, string sound)#
void FadeOutSoundOnEntity(entity ent, string sound, number fadeOut)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayer(entity ent, entity reciever, string sound)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityOnlyToPlayerWithFadeIn(entity ent, entity reciever, string sound, number fadeIn)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayer(entity ent, entity exception, string sound)#
void EmitSoundOnEntityExceptToPlayerNotPredicted(entity ent, entity exception, string sound)#
bool DoesAliasExist(string dialogueAlias)#
int GetSoundTags(string sound)#
void SetRapidShiftOffset(number offset)#

AI Sounds#

Sounds the AI can react to

void EmitAISound(int soundFlags, int contextFlags, vector pos, float radius, float duration)#

Create a new sound event that AI can response to.

void EmitAISoundWithOwner(entity owner, int soundFlags, int contextFlags, vector pos, float radius, float duration)#

Create a sound event that AI can respond to, specifying the owner of the sound.

void EmitAISoundToTarget(entity target, int soundFlags, int contextFlags, vector pos, float radius, float duration)#

Create a sound event that AI can respond to, specifying who the sound should target.

void EmitAISoundWithOwnerToTarget(entity ownerEnt, entity targetEnt, int soundFlags, int contextFlags, vectorPos, float radius, float duration)#

Create a sound event that AI can respond to, specifying who the sound should target, and the owner of the sound.